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Please consider making a financial contribution to our campaign. It's fast, easy and secure.
My promise to you is integrity, excellence, and innovation.
Integrity means showing up prepared to do the work, as I have for the past decade attending hundreds of regular, special, and emergency meetings of city council. Excellence means going above and beyond, as I have in every professional role I've had; shown in my rapid promotion in every role I've held. For example, I was promoted to tenure track professor and assistant department chair within a year of being appointed to serve as a visiting assistant professor. Innovation is adapting to changing needs and growing population and bringing best practices, as I have on council and every professional role I've held.
I promise transparency, accessibility, and accountability. Transparency comes with completing training in open meetings and financial disclosures I've submitted for many years. Accessibility is having my personal cell phone and email address posted publicly as I have for the past decade on council. Accountability is answering the phone and offering my resignation if I miss the mark.